Angel Wings

Carla O'Brien's impressive career as a Light Artist gained significant momentum following the creation of her acclaimed NEON ANGEL WINGS, which were first featured at the White Night festival in Melbourne in 2015. The Wings garnered worldwide attention when global superstar Katy Perry shared a photo of herself adorned in the Wings at the renowned Burning Man festival in Nevada, USA, in the following year.

Thanks to the unprecedented reach of social media, O'Brien's innovative Neon Angel Wings have become an immensely popular interactive Light Art activation, attracting millions of people in Australia, the UK, and the USA who have photographed themselves donning the Wings. O'Brien's work has become synonymous with cutting-edge Light Art that not only engages viewers but also encourages active participation, bridging the gap between art and audience.

Available in the signature large size Wings or as a pair of Baby Wings.

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